
26 September 2013

Brigit's Garden Said Relax

Today, it was off to Brijit's Garden, Rosscahill, Co. Galway, for much of the day. Weather kicked off misty, moisty and warm and it looked like the drizzle was to sustain so raincoats at the ready.


After a warm welcome by founder, visionery and mentor Jenny Beale ...

as it was still drizzling, it was straight into 'essential' shopping

and of course even this fella gets his books into here


but the drizzle soon stopped so off into the Garden we go


First, off to the Samhain Garden


Then onto the Spring Garden, all of this this guided by Jenny.


and ...

Then onto the Bealtaine Garden



where Susan and the group, last visit, sponsored the planting of a Hawthorn Wishing Tree, that is now very well used.

Then to complete the year cycle gardens, its onto the Lughnasa Garden, featuring the Dancing Lady

and there is an abundant herb garden within this too

There is much more to Brigit's Garden with many more features and I will be doing a seperate blog post to provide a small tour around much of the rest of what is here.


After more wanderings around the garden it was time for lunch, and the most popular food on the menu was the delicious humous and grilled veggie wraps


and some had delicious cappuccinos


Then through much of the afternoon it was a workshop of making Brighid Crosses, so here are a series of photos from that ...








Then the sun came out, so it was a sash over to the gigantic sundial to see it in action. Look at the long shadow from the book oak sculpture.

And it is very accurate, here's a close up.

The point runs between the 3 pm and 4 pm area, marked on the Equinox Line there. The next grey band to the right is for October 1st. Consider Equinox was 22nd September this year and its 26th September when this was taken. Now consider the actual end point of the shadow on the sandy stone, and line that back to the time on the Equinox stone. It was 3:38 pm at this time. :-)

Perhaps this close up pic shows that better

After an incredible full unrushed session at Brighid's Garden, the last part in sun, the girls wanted to get some bits and pieces in the Oughterard village, and then for some tea, coffee and cake at Fae's


Fae's is a lovely cozy place of real china, good tea, coffee etc.


While there we decided to skip having an evening meal but just get some items to munch on later.

After a bit of local shop shopping for the munchies we took a short relaxed lough side drive with a couple of photo stops along the way.

Also a wee visit to Aughmanure Castle

where Jo fed a horse a carrot

and we had a wee incident of finding two stray kittens, that a nearby person looked after as she believed she knew the owners.

Back at Corrib View Farmhouse we set too making up a 'Grazing Tray', as I have heard it called in Australia, of the goodies bought at the stores, as well as breads and cakes at Fae's. It was quite a feast ... but I did not take any pics.

Overall, a very, very relaxed but also exceptionally inspiring and spiritually moving day.


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